What does Whole House Retrofit mean to me?

In the 21st Century, one of the key considerations for any homeowner is the energy efficiency of the property. With fuel prices continuing to rise, as well as an environmental imperative to both reduce energy consumption and also to adopt more sustainable energy sourcing, it’s clear that there is a need to “future proof” homes […]
Jargon Buster

A-value Water absorption coefficient of a material in kg/m2s0.5. Absolute Humidity is the measure of water vapor (moisture) in the air, regardless of temperature. It is expressed as grams of moisture per cubic meter of air. (g/m3) ACH Air changes per hour, the number of times per hour that the air inside a building is […]
Vegetarian construction? It could be the future!

With the key theme of transforming Europe’s existing housing stock, this year’s International Refurbishment Symposium is set to tackle the many issues facing the retrofit sector with the help of several high-profile speakers. Amongst them at the event – part of Eco Connect London on September 15 – will be Professor Ronald Rovers, a leading […]
Leading academics discuss why the time is right to bring global thought-leaders on sustainable refurbishment together

The idea for an international, high-level symposium on sustainable refurbishment was borne out of frustration. Despite huge investment into R&D by governments and industry, we keep getting sustainable refurbishment wrong. We fail to develop approaches that successfully incentivise uptake. We fail to fund deep renovation, preferring the statistical comfort blanket but relative ineffectiveness of high-volumes […]