Retrofit for Social Housing Online Summit
29th May 2020
The Retrofit for Social Housing Summit was delivered by The Retrofit Academy Centre of Excellence in partnership with the Direct Works Forum. More than 100 social landlords attended the event, hearing from five guest speakers and posing their own questions to our panel.
Delegates were asked to complete an online survey in advance of the event to provide a snapshot of how social landlords view retrofit. David Pierpoint, CEO of the national centre of excellence for retrofit, introduces the survey results.
Peter Rickaby: Asset Management Strategies for Social Landlords
Energy consultant and the author of PAS2035 Peter Rickaby outlines the successful approach to developing effective retrofit strategy in social housing that he has developed with Savills.
Duncan Smith: Integrating Retrofit into Social Housing Asset Management
Duncan Smith is a senior manager at a Scottish local authority with an ageing housing stock. He told delegates his story and how he achieved buy in to his vision for retrofitting East Renfrewshire.
Rebecca Hart and Jon Moorhouse – Destination Zero in Nottingham
Nottingham City Homes are best known for pioneering Energiesprong. However, this presentation outlines the Destination Zero programme, which is testing how staged retrofit interventions can ensure a ‘no regrets’ pathway that makes sense for asset managers with long term targets.
David Kemp – Retrofit in the North West
Head of Sustainability at Procure Plus David Kemp told delegates about retrofit activity in the north west and how social landlords are gearing up for the 2030 and 2050 targets.