The Retrofit Academy talks: PAS Updated!

Back with a bang!

The Retrofit Academy are dusting off the cobwebs and bouncing into spring with our latest summit: PAS Updated! We discuss the recent amendments to the PAS, as well as navigating what these changes mean and what comes next. We also delve into the the new British standard, BS40101: Building Performance Evaluation. So whether you are an independent retrofit coordinator, an asset manager in a social housing organisation, or a LADs programme manager, this one will definitely contain a few golden nuggets for you!

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The Summit

PAS Updates: The Highlights

BS 40101: The New Standard

The Retrofit Academy Summit: PAS Updated!

Our panellists:

Dr Kerry Mashford OBE

Alan Pither
Technical Director, The Retrofit Academy CIC

So, what are the amendments to the PAS standard and what do you need to know?

The new version of the standard is officially known as PAS 2035/2030+A1:2022. It is current as of January 31st 2022, and supersedes PAS 2035/2030:2019, which has been withdrawn as of 31st March 2022.
Moving forward, everyone will need to use the new version as of 1st April 2022.

Retrofit Advice

The Retrofit Advisor role has been removed until suitable qualifications are available. Not to worry though, The Retrofit Academy are currently piloting the Level 3 Retrofit Advice Qualification!
Retrofit advice is still required at project inception, when the improvement measures to be installed are confirmed and at handover. All retrofit advice shall be overseen by the Retrofit Coordinator and in many cases will also be delivered by them. For risk path A, retrofit advice on completion of the design shall be delivered by the Retrofit Designer who prepared the design or by the Retrofit Coordinator.  At handover, advice regarding the measures installed may be provided by the installer.

Ventilation Assessment

The requirement for a ventilation assessment is now included in risk path A as well as risk paths B and C (clause 8.3.1).

Retrofit Design

For a single measure under Path A, responsibility for the design rests with the specialist designer for their element of the design, not with the Retrofit Coordinator (although the Retrofit Coordinator should review the design and report any concerns to the designer).

There is also clarification that when installing any insulation or air tightness measures, or replacing windows, the Retrofit Designer shall use the information provided by the Retrofit Assessor to assess the adequacy of the existing ventilation. (Previously this was stated to apply “for every dwelling proposed for improvement”).

There is now a specific requirement for inclusion in the design of any repairs or maintenance required prior to the installation of energy efficiency measures (in clause 9.1.24).

There is a small change in the qualifications required for the Retrofit Designer on risk path B projects on a traditionally constructed building.  They may hold the Level 3 Award in Energy Efficiency Measures in Traditional Buildings as an alternative to being a member of a building conservation scheme run by CIAT, CIOB, CARE, AABC, RIBA, RSAW, RSUA, RICS or RIAS (A.3.4).

Stage-by-Stage Retrofit

Stage-by-stage retrofit is defined as a “retrofit process where the whole house retrofit plan is not being implemented in one go”. If a ‘stage-by-stage’ approach to insulation measures is adopted, the retrofit design shall include mitigation of the risks related to cold surfaces by including adequate heating and continuous ventilation or other appropriate measures. This includes any considerations necessary to facilitate the implementation of the later stages.

Whenever a stage is completed, the Retrofit Coordinator shall ensure that the Client receives a new or updated medium term improvement plan.

Future Changes

A more comprehensive review and update to PAS 2035 can be expected next year. Likely to include the new standard for Evaluation (BS 40101) and, if it is ready in time, also may include the new standard for Retrofit Assessment (BS 40104). The BS 40104 is currently under development to replace Section 8 of PAS 2035. It may also recognise new qualifications developed by The Retrofit Academy – the Level 4 Award in Domestic Retrofit Assessment and the Level 3 Certificate in Retrofit Advice.

BS 40101 – Building Performance Evaluation of occupied and operational buildings.

The New British Standard for Building Performance Evaluation.

International standards are currently in place, but work only on the theoretical performance of buildings, which has resulted in inconsistencies for building performance evaluation (BPE). The new standards take the next steps in a more consistent approach and mainstreaming of BPE by exploring the evaluation of buildings in use and based on actual measures, using data gather from tests, measurements, observations and user experience.

By providing this British Standard, the aim is to support the mainstreaming of BPE with potential for feedback and learning, as well driving improved performance of new and renovated/retrofitted buildings; accelerating the trajectory to net zero carbon (in operation) buildings, supporting and informing the energy system transition, reducing waste and running costs.

Build Test Solutions

Looking to purchase the BS 40101? Here’s the link!

The standard provides:

  • The choice of three levels of depth / granularity of performance measurement.
    (Preliminary Evaluation, Light Building Performance Evaluation, Standard Building Performance Evaluation), plus optional investigative elements (Investigative BPE).
  • Compatibility of measurement and monitoring of essential performance data at each level.
  • Consistency in key parameters and reporting of findings.
  • An independently recognised basis for compliance reporting and contractual verification.
  • Standardised performance evaluation that can be used by other standards e.g. PAS 2035, PAS 2038, BS 8536, and rating scheme such as SuperHomes.

It is applicable for:

  • All types and uses of buildings.
  • Individual buildings, cohorts of buildings, base buildings (i.e. those with common areas but containing separately metered and controlled premises – e.g. business centres, apartment blocks, shopping centres).
  • Any point(s) in the ‘in-use’ phase of a building life.

Evaluation is:

  • Based on actual ‘in-use’ data comprising quantified test and monitoring data, observational data and experiential reporting.
  • Involves comparison of in-use performance data against project and context-relevant comparator cases, e.g. design specification, industry benchmarks, pre-upgrade performance, post upgrade target performance, contractual and regulatory requirements, rating scales.

The standard covers:

  • Planning a BPE project (stand alone or part of a new build or upgrade construction project).
  • Deciding the type of BPE project (Preliminary Evaluation / Light BPE/ Standard BPE levels with additional or subsequent Investigative BPE).
  • Selection of comparator case(s) – performance spec, benchmark, prior performance etc.
  • Data gathering, naming and retention.
  • Execution of essential and optional study elements.
  • Parameter-specific performance comparison and interpretation.
  • ‘In the round’ interpretation.
  • Reporting requirements and claiming compliance.

The standard also contains informative guidance and example use cases e.g. Light BPE on cohort of upgraded dwellings.

Thanks to Dr Kerry Mashford OBE for providing the outline of the new BS 40101 standard (above).

We’re always trying to provide the support and guidance you need to ensure you can comply with best practice. Let us know if there are any hot topics in the future that you would like to see discussed!

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